A story on the BBC website today reports that a Pagan campaigner protesting for better access to Stonehenge is being evicted from the site. (see link below)
King Arthur Pendragon (the guy actually changed his name to this in 1976 by deed pole) has been staying in a caravan near the site since last summer in order to maintain his protest.
You have to check out the story, if only to see a picture of the protester (real name John) who looks like he's just walked off the pages of Beowulf, complete with grey beard and ceremonial robes.
While public access to historic sites is a very serious debate, I couldn't help but smile as I sipped my morning coffee and read about poor John, ummm, I mean King's plight.
Not only do I love the exentricity of it all, but the very idea that if the man who spawned the King Arthur legend were to return incarnate I'd like to think he would be fighting for justice, peace and the rights of the common man, not living like a hobo in a caravan outside some old ruins in the English countryside.
Good on you though King!